Life has its ups and downs and sometimes we all need a little extra positivity and energy. Crystals are more than just sparkling objects. They have been used for centuries to promote well-being and happiness. In this guide, we will explore the basics of crystals and how to use them to manifest a healthier and happier life.

Crystals work by interacting with the body's energy field or chakra. Each crystal has a unique vibrational frequency that can align with specific areas of your life. Although it is up to you to determine which crystal you resonate best with, here are a few to get you started:

1 -Turquoise: the stone of healing

Turquoise is a charming blue-green stone valued for centuries. Its surface may contain intricate veins or patterns, and shades range from sky blue to earth green.    

 Energy properties

Known as a strengthening and healing stone, turquoise is believed to align all chakras, infusing the body with harmonizing energy. Its vibration resonates with the throat and heart chakras, favoring communication and love.


Wound healing: Turquoise is believed to have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, helping to heal physical wounds.

Stress reduction: Its calming energy can relieve stress and anxiety, promoting mental clarity.

Spiritual connection: Many use turquoise to establish a connection and spiritual grounding, believing that it creates a bridge between heaven and earth.

Immune system support: It is associated with strengthening the immune system, potentially improving overall health.

How to care for turquoise

Cleaning: Use warm water without salt, as salt can damage the surface.

Charging: Keep away from direct sunlight; it is preferable to recharge in the moonlight.

Storage: A soft cloth bag avoids scratches.

2-Jasper: the stone of nourishment

Jasper is a fascinating and multi-faceted stone. Its colors range from red and yellow to brown or green, often with unique designs and streaks that tell geological stories.


Digestive health: Some practitioners use jasper to soothe gastrointestinal problems, believing that its rooting energy can calm the stomach.

Emotional balance: Jasper is known for its calming effect on emotions, favoring happiness and emotional stability.

Support for chronic diseases: It is also used as a support for chronic diseases, providing nutritional energy.

Spiritual Rooting: Many appreciate his ability to promote spiritual rooting and inner strength.

How to care for Jasper

Cleaning: Clean gently with soap and water.

Charging: Charge in the sun, preferably in the morning.

Storage: Store separately to avoid scratches.

3-Carnelian: the stone of vitality

Carnelian, with its vibrant red-orange hue, is a type of chalcedony. It is often translucent and, when exposed to light, shines like a sunset.

Energy properties

Carnelian is synonymous with vitality and life force. It resonates with the sacral chakra, awakening creativity, and physical energy.


Physical energy: Carnelian is believed to increase physical endurance, making it popular among athletes.

Motivation and creativity: It is also known to awaken creativity and motivation, stimulating new ideas.

Menstrual support: Women have used Carnelian to relieve menstrual cramps.

Mood enhancement: Its uplifting energy can improve mood and increase self-confidence.

How to care for Carnelian

Cleaning: rinse with cool water; avoid drastic changes in temperature.

Charging: Sunlight is ideal, but not for prolonged periods.

Storage: Store in a soft cloth or pencil case.

4 -Aventurine: the stone of Opportunity

Aventurine is a sparkling green stone that often contains sparkling mica inclusions. Its sparkling appearance is enchanting, like a field of green stars.

Energy properties

Known to promote harmony and balance, aventurine is often associated with the heart chakra. Its energy can promote feelings of well-being and emotional calm.


Heart health: Aventurine has been used to bring benefits to the heart, both physically and emotionally.

Wealth and happiness: Known as the stone of opportunity, it is often used to attract prosperity and success.

Skin health: Some believe it can improve skin condition, reducing irritation and redness.

Emotional healing: Its gentle energy is believed to help heal emotional wounds, promoting inner peace.

How to take care of aventurine

Cleaning: warm water and mild soap are sufficient.

Charging: Sunlight and moonlight can recharge aventurine.

Storage: A velvet bag is ideal to protect it.

5-How to use crystals for health and happiness

Using crystals is not just about placing them in the house. Let's delve into the different ways in which you can integrate them into your daily life.

Meditation with crystals

 meditating with crystals can deepen the practice. Hold the crystal or place it nearby during meditation to amplify your intentions.

Healing with crystals

 Healing with crystals consists of placing specific crystals on or around the body to promote physical healing. Always consult a certified operator.

Crystal Jewelry

Wearing crystal jewelry allows you to carry the energy of the crystal throughout the day.

Using crystals to manifest health and happiness is a fascinating and rewarding practice. Whether you are looking for physical healing or a charge of positivity, crystals can be a powerful ally in your journey.